GCE statement to COVID-19
Pubblicato On 27 marzo 2020 da Hana HolasováThe global spread of COVID-19 has created an unprecedented situation for the entire world. In this extraordinary situation, GCE is doing everything possible to maintain supply and service.
As of today, and for the foreseeable future, our factories in the Czech Republic, UK and China operate under full load whilst ensuring employee health and monitoring guidance from local government and authorities. Our external supply chain is somewhat affected, but we work on alternatives to ensure the delivery of our products.
As a leading provider of Medical Gas Equipment, GCE is experiencing a very high demand for our products during this pandemic and are doing our utmost to provide our products to the healthcare systems around the world.
GCE are enabling remote working for many of our employees and enforcing social distancing for those employees who continue working within our manufacturing and distribution centres to minimize the virus risk and to be able to support you as a customer.
Our global team is available to respond to emergency matters, should they require certified medical gas devices or alternatives from the industrial or speciality gas sector to help save lives. You will find our contact form on the website, please fill it in and we will direct it to the right resource and come back to you.
In these days we appreciate your business more than ever and are striving to fulfil our obligations.
Stay safe & healthy.
Christophe de Fitte and the GCE Group team