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Home » Heating attachment ACETYLENE NEF-B Nr. 4, 6, 6A

Heating attachment ACETYLENE NEF-B Nr. 4, 6, 6A

Art. Nr. Type of the connection Size Length (mm)
14004175 KOMBI 2001 4 240
14004176 KOMBI 2001 6 400
14003283 KOMBI 2001 6A 400


14004173 KOMBI 20 4 240
14004174 KOMBI 20 6 400
14003282 KOMBI 20 6A 400


14004171 KOMBI 17 4 240
14004172 KOMBI 17 6 400
14003280 KOMBI 17 6A 400


14004181 KOMBI 18 4 240
14004182 KOMBI 18 6 400
14003281 KOMBI 18 6A 400


Size Oxygen
pressure (bar
pressure (bar)
flow (m3/h)
flow (m3/h)
4 2,5 0,5 0,52 0,50
6 2,5 0,5 1,1 1,0
6A 2,5 0,5 1,8 1,7
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